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About Me

My name is Sarah Burgess. I am a 35-year-old woman. Unfortunately, I have a brain injury which has inhibited my ability to verbally communicate, and my mobility. I am termed as medically fragile which is somewhat true. Regardless of any of the terms I’ve been labeled due to my brain injury, I’ve been able to successfully complete high school and am just about able to say that I’ve successfully graduated from Niagara College, I will just have to go back once the world’s settled from this crazy pandemic.


I write poetry mainly for me, it’s my own therapy- coping mechanism, however I tend to make my words somewhat relatable for my readers.


As poetry became of greater importance to me in my life, the necessity of explanation grew, regardless of how bluntly obvious I tried to write. Mind you, I also love to have my poetry open for your own interpretation.


I write poetry as a way of expression due to the fact that I am termed as non-verbal. Despite any of the terms I am labelled, I enjoy many things, however writing has always been one of the most captivating aspects. I enjoy such things as writing, going for walks, and voicing my opinion on any given topic.

For doing such has always been that of high importance to me.


Over the previous years, while being a student at Niagara College, I have spoken at numerous events including weekly/ monthly poetry slams where I have placed first, second and third. I also have published a handful of poetry chapbooks. ´Voice’ (grey borders books) in 2012, ´When Will My Reflection Show Who I Am inside?’ ( Young Authors of Niagara Falls) in 2014, ‘Phlebotomized heart’ (Grey Borders books) in 2015, and ´The Mule and the Bitch’ (Grey Borders books) in 2016. I find writing to be very therapeutic for me as I can release my inner feelings in any manner I see fit.


  • I am deeply inspired to become famous and travel the world! Due to my circumstances, the need to adapt and alter my life has become a must. Nonetheless that has only increased the importance of having them occurred.


My Education:


Niagara College: General Arts and Sciences, 2-year diploma,

Part-Time Certificate: Counselling Skills for Human Services.





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